How to Set App Limits on iPhone, iPad and Mac

In today’s digital age, the use of smartphones, tablets, and computers has become an integral part of our daily lives. While these devices offer numerous benefits, they can also be a source of distraction and overuse. Many of us find ourselves spending excessive amounts of time on various apps, from social media to games, which can negatively impact our productivity, mental health, and overall well-being. To help combat this issue, Apple introduced a feature called “App Limits” on iOS devices and Mac computers, which allows users to set specific time limits for app usage. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how to set app limits on iPhone, iPad, and Mac, and discuss the benefits of doing so.

Understanding App Limits

Before we delve into the step-by-step process of setting app limits, let’s take a closer look at what exactly App Limits are and why they are beneficial.

What Are App Limits?

App Limits are a feature introduced by Apple to help users manage their screen time more effectively. They are a part of the Screen Time feature, which provides insights into how you use your device and enables you to set restrictions on certain apps or activities. App Limits, in particular, allow you to set daily or weekly time limits for specific apps or app categories.

Why Are App Limits Beneficial?

Setting App Limits can be highly beneficial for a variety of reasons:

  1. Reducing Distractions: By limiting your app usage, you can reduce distractions and stay focused on important tasks, whether for work, study, or leisure.
  2. Improved Productivity: App Limits can help you become more productive by encouraging you to allocate your time more efficiently.
  3. Balanced Screen Time: Excessive screen time, especially on social media and entertainment apps, can lead to various health issues. App Limits help you strike a balance between screen time and real-world activities.
  4. Digital Well-being: Using App Limits can promote better digital well-being and reduce the negative impact of excessive screen time on mental health.

Now that we understand the significance of App Limits, let’s move on to the practical steps of setting them on your Apple devices.

Setting App Limits on iPhone and iPad

Apple’s App Limits feature is available on both iPhones and iPads and can be customized to suit your individual needs. Here’s how to set app limits on these devices:

Step 1: Open Settings

  1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad. It’s usually represented by a gear-shaped icon.

Step 2: Go to Screen Time

  1. Scroll down in the Settings menu and tap on Screen Time. If you haven’t already set up Screen Time, you will be prompted to do so. Follow the on-screen instructions to get started.

Step 3: View App Usage

  1. In the Screen Time menu, you will see an overview of your device usage. Tap on “See All Activity” to see a detailed breakdown of your app usage.

Step 4: Set App Limits

  1. Scroll down to the Most Used section, where you’ll find a list of your frequently used apps. Tap on the app for which you want to set a limit.

Step 5: Customize App Limit

  1. Tap on “Add Limit” to set a daily or weekly time limit for that app. You can choose the number of hours and minutes you want to allocate to the app. After setting the limit, tap “Add”.

Step 6: Confirm App Limit

  1. You will be prompted to confirm the limit you’ve set. Tap “Add” again to finalize the App Limit.

Step 7: Downtime and App Limits

  1. If you also want to schedule downtime for your device, which restricts app usage during certain hours (e.g., bedtime), go back to the main Screen Time menu and tap “Downtime.” You can set your preferred hours for Downtime.

That’s it! You’ve successfully set an App Limit for a specific app on your iPhone or iPad. You can repeat the process for as many apps as you like to tailor your device usage according to your needs.

Setting App Limits on Mac

App Limits are not limited to iOS devices; you can also use this feature on your Mac to control app usage. Here’s how to set App Limits on your Mac computer:

Step 1: Open System Preferences

  1. Click on the Apple logo in the top-left corner of your screen to access the Apple menu. From there, select “System Preferences.”

Step 2: Go to Screen Time

  1. In the System Preferences window, locate and click on the “Screen Time” icon. This will open the Screen Time settings.

Step 3: View App Usage

  1. You’ll find a summary of your device usage in the Screen Time window. Click on the “App Usage” tab to see a list of your most-used applications.

Step 4: Set App Limits

  1. Select the app for which you want to set a limit. You can do this by clicking on the app name in the list.

Step 5: Customize App Limit

  1. To set an App Limit for the selected app, click the “App Limits” button on the bottom right. You can then set a daily or weekly limit by specifying the number of hours and minutes.

Step 6: Confirm App Limit

  1. After customizing the limit, click the “Add” button to confirm it.

Step 7: Apply Limit

  1. The App Limit you’ve set will now be active. You can adjust, delete, or change the limit at any time by returning to the App Limits section in Screen Time.

Setting App Limits on your Mac is just as straightforward as it is on iOS devices, and it can be equally effective in helping you manage your screen time.

Managing App Limits

Once you’ve set App Limits on your Apple devices, it’s important to know how to manage them effectively. Here are some tips and insights on managing your App Limits:

1. Regularly Review Your App Usage

To ensure your App Limits are effective, review your app usage periodically. This will help you identify trends and make adjustments as needed. If you notice that you consistently exceed your limits on a particular app, consider reducing the limit to better align with your goals.

2. Set Realistic Limits

When setting App Limits, it’s essential to be realistic about your app usage. Avoid setting overly strict limits that might be hard to adhere to. Instead, start with limits that are manageable and gradually reduce them over time if you find it necessary.

3. Customize for Different Days

Your app usage patterns might vary from day to day. For example, you might want to allocate more time for entertainment apps on the weekend and reduce their usage during the workweek. Customizing your App Limits for different days can help you strike a balance.

4. Use Downtime Wisely

In addition to App Limits, Downtime can be a powerful tool for managing your screen time. Set Downtime hours that align with your daily routines and preferences. During Downtime, only essential apps will be accessible, helping you unwind and prepare for a good night’s sleep.

5. Avoid Workarounds

Apple has implemented measures to discourage users from circumventing App Limits. For instance, if you’ve reached your daily limit for a specific app, you can’t extend the limit for that day. This limitation is intended to help users stick to their set goals and avoid excessive app usage.

Benefits of Setting App Limits

The advantages of setting App Limits on your Apple devices are numerous and encompass various aspects of your life.

1. Increased Productivity

One of the most significant benefits of App Limits is the boost in productivity. By allocating your time to tasks and apps more efficiently, you can get more work done in less time. This is particularly helpful for students and professionals.

2. Improved Time Management

App Limits encourage better time management. They help you prioritize your activities and allocate time to various apps based on their importance, reducing time wasted on unproductive or unnecessary apps.

3. Enhanced Focus

Distractions from constant app notifications can hinder your ability to focus on important tasks. App Limits can help you regain focus by reducing the allure of distracting apps.

4. Better Digital Well-being

Excessive screen time has been linked to various health issues, including eye strain, poor sleep, and mental health problems. Setting App Limits promotes a healthier balance between screen time and other activities, leading to improved digital well-being.

5. Reduced Addiction to Apps

Many people struggle with addiction to certain apps, such as social media or mobile games. App Limits can assist in breaking these addictive patterns by limiting access to these apps and encouraging healthier habits.

6. Encouraging Real-world Interactions

By setting App Limits, you can free up time to engage in real-world activities, spend quality time with family and friends, and enjoy hobbies and outdoor experiences.

Advanced Tips for App Limit Management

If you want to take your App Limit management to the next level, consider these advanced tips and strategies:

1. Use App Limit Categories

Instead of setting limits for individual apps, you can set limits for entire app categories. For example, you can limit all social media apps together, making it easier to manage your screen time across multiple apps.

2. Combine App Limits with Screen Time Passcodes

To prevent yourself from easily overriding your App Limits, consider setting a Screen Time passcode. This passcode adds an extra layer of security and makes it more difficult to change your limits impulsively.

3. Monitor Usage with Screen Time Reports

Review your Screen Time reports regularly to gain insights into your device usage. You can see trends, identify problematic apps, and make informed decisions about which limits to adjust.

4. Use App Limits for Children

If you have children with their own Apple devices, you can set App Limits for them as well. This feature is part of Apple’s parental control options, allowing you to manage and limit your child’s screen time.

5. Experiment with Different Limits

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different App Limits to find what works best for you. You can always adjust and refine your limits as your needs change.

Challenges and Drawbacks

While App Limits are a valuable tool for managing screen time, they come with a few challenges and drawbacks:

1. Initial Adjustment Period

It may take some time to adapt to the restrictions imposed by App Limits, especially if you have been accustomed to unrestricted app usage.

2. Limited Control Over Individual Apps

App Limits work on a per-app or per-category basis, which means you cannot set distinct limits for specific features within an app. For example, you can’t limit the time spent on the Facebook app separately from the Messenger app.

3. Potential Workarounds

Although Apple has implemented measures to discourage workarounds, determined users may still find ways to bypass App Limits.

4. Incompatibility with Non-Apple Devices

App Limits are exclusive to Apple devices, which means you cannot apply the same restrictions to non-Apple devices you may use.


In a world filled with digital distractions, App Limits have emerged as a valuable feature for individuals seeking to regain control over their screen time. Whether you’re an iPhone, iPad, or Mac user, you can harness the power of App Limits to reduce distractions, enhance productivity, and prioritize your digital well-being. By following the simple steps outlined in this guide and implementing the advanced tips, you can master the art of managing your app usage effectively.

Remember that setting App Limits is a proactive step towards achieving a healthier and more balanced relationship with your devices. As you work to strike the right balance between screen time and real-world experiences, you’ll likely find yourself reaping the rewards in the form of increased productivity, improved focus, and enhanced overall well-being. So, go ahead and take control of your digital life with App Limits today. Your future self will thank you for it.

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